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Featured Scholar: Iren Marinova

The Kissinger Center spoke with Sara Daub, a DAAD postdoctoral fellow, to learn more about her research and her plans during her fellowship.

Kissinger Center Fellows Travel to Sweden for 2024 Engelsberg Winter Symposium

On December 3rd-6th, fellows from the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs traveled to Engelsberg, Sweden for The Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy’s 2024 Winter Symposium.

Featured Scholar: Elizabeth Hines

The Kissinger Center spoke with Elizabeth Hines, an AJI postdoctoral fellow, to learn more about her research and her plans during her fellowship.

Reja Younis, Navigating The New Nuclear Age, Engelsberg Ideas

In this Engelserg Seminar article, Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy fellow Reja Younis writes about the complexity of nuclear deterrence and the need for continuous adaptation.

Book Talk - "Genesis: Artificial Intelligence, Hope, and the Human Spirit"

On Tuesday, November 19, the Center hosted former Google CEO Eric Schmidt and former senior Microsoft advisor Craig Mundie to launch their book Genesis: Artificial Intelligence, Hope, and the Human Spirit, which they co-wrote with the elder statesman Henry Kissinger. Genesis charts a course between blind faith and unjustified fear as it outlines an effective strategy for navigating the age of AI.

Henry A. Kissinger and the Question of World Order Conference

The Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs and the Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy hosted a conference on “Henry A. Kissinger and the Question of World Order.” Scholars and practitioners from around the world debated questions of history and the international system that Kissinger, as both a scholar and a statesman, had spent his life pondering.

Featured Scholar: Sara Daub

The Kissinger Center spoke with Sara Daub, a DAAD postdoctoral fellow, to learn more about her research and her plans during her fellowship.

Featured Scholar: Sandra Ricker

The Kissinger Center spoke with Sandra Ricker, an Ax:son Johnson Institute Fellow, to learn more about her ongoing work on the study of neutral states and how they behave in international relations.

Featured Scholar: Liliane Stadler

The Kissinger Center spoke with Liliane Stadler, an Ax:son Johnson Institute Postdoctoral Fellow, to learn more about her ongoing work on the study of neutral states and how they behave in international relations.

Professor Francis J. Gavin to Deliver the Gary R. Hess Lecture in Policy History at Bowing Green State University

Director of the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs Professor Francis J. Gavin will deliver the Gary R. Hess Lecture in Policy History at Bowing Green State University on Thursday, October 24, 2024.
