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Dr. Mary Bridges, "Infrastructure Is Remaking Geopolitics How Power Flows From the Systems That Connect the World," Foreign Affairs

In this Foreign Affairs article, Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy postdoctoral fellow Mary Bridges writes about the infrastructural turn in geopolitics and how modern society depends on complex infrastructure.

New Makers of Modern Strategy Contributor Spotlight: Dr. Andrew Ehrhardt

The Kissinger Center speaks with Dr. Andrew Ehrhardt about the fascinating world of Arnold J. Toynbee, the esteemed historian and influential analyst of international affairs. Discover how Toynbee's groundbreaking approach to historical study shaped his strategic thought and policy recommendations during the interwar period and World War II.

New Makers of Modern Strategy Contributor Spotlight: Dr. Iskander Rehman

The Kissinger Center engages in a compelling conversation with one of the brilliant minds behind this groundbreaking work, Dr. Rehman and his chapter that "tells the story of one of Europe’s greatest acts of national resurrection."

Featured Scholar: Joseph Ledford

The Kissinger Center spoke with Joseph Ledford, an America in the World Consortium Postdoctoral Fellow, to learn more about his ongoing work on the comprehensive history of the Iran-Contra affair and his interests in the historical significance of the bipartisan consensus in US foreign policy, among others.

HKC Director Francis Gavin and AJI Fellow Andrew Ehrhardt on Worldview

The Kissinger Center Director, Professor Francis Gavin, and Ax:son Johnson Postdoctoral Fellow Andrew Ehrhardt, discussed the role of diplomacy in war and peace on the Worldview podcast.

Featured Scholar: Iskander Rehman

The Kissinger Center spoke with Iskander Rehman, a Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy Postdoctoral Fellow, to learn more about his ongoing work on history, grand strategy, and US defense strategy in Asia.

Featured Scholar: Andrew Ehrhardt

The Kissinger Center spoke with Andrew Ehrhardt, a Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy Postdoctoral Fellow, to learn more about his ongoing work on the conceptions of international order in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The Inaugural Meeting of the Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy

Kissinger Center faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and PhD students traveled to Sweden to participate in the inaugural meeting of the Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy. Read more about the engaging lectures and how the meeting helped foster international relationships across institutions, disciplines, and research interests. AJI is a collaborative project between its partner institutions and is generously supported by the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation for Public Benefit.
