Programs & Projects

The Kissinger Center Papers
The Kissinger Center Papers is a project of the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs and the America in the World Consortium, with the support of the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP).

The Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy
The Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs will offer up to three PhD and three Postdoctoral Fellowships as a member of the Ax:son Johnson Institute for Statecraft and Diplomacy, a four-university, transatlantic consortium designed to promote historically-minded research on statecraft, strategy, and diplomacy.

International Policy Scholars Consortium and Network (IPSCON)
We strive to bridge the divide between the academy and practice through developing scholar-practitioners who understand the prospectives of each world.

America in the World Consortium (AWC)
The Consortium aims to prepare the next generation to confront geopolitical challenges and understand American national interests abroad to participate in the debate about America’s role in the world.

The Helmut Schmidt Distinguished Visiting Chair and Postdoctoral Program
We are pleased to present, with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), The Helmut Schmidt Distinguished Visiting Chair and Postdoctoral Program which hosts our DAAD Postdoctoral Fellowship.

America and the Future of World Order (AFWO)
The project draws on Dr. Kissinger’s extraordinary contributions to understanding both world order and how the U.S. should craft grand strategies in response to a changing international system.

Nuclear Studies Research Initiative (NSRI)
A major interdisciplinary program established to support and expand a renaissance in nuclear studies by creating a platform for intellectual exchange, cross-fertilization, and mentorship.

Executive Education
Our program participants learn from those who inform and shape policy around critical international issues in an interactive and engaging environment that encourages dialogue and innovative thinking.

Our Past Programs and Projects
The Center has a wide variety of past programs and events. Learn more about them here.