Professor Hal Brands testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy, and Environment
Professor Hal Brands testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy, and Environment in a hearing on “The Origins and Enduring Value of the Transatlantic Alliance.” In his testimony, Professor Brands discussed the role that the transatlantic relationship, and the NATO alliance in particular, has played in advancing global security and U.S. interests since World War II.
While acknowledging the pressing challenges currently testing the US-NATO relationship - the problems with burden-sharing, adapting to unconventional threats such as cyberattacks, concerns about US credibility, creeping authoritarianism among alliance members, and the fragmentation of the European project, along with the general sense that the center of geopolitical rivalry is moving towards the Asia-Pacific – Brands argues that continued investment in the transatlantic relationship is vital for US security, prosperity, and global influence.