Paradigm Lost? The European Union and the Challenges of a New World

Paradigm Lost? The European Union and the Challenges of a New World. Daniel S. Hamilton, Gregor Kirchhof, and Andreas Rödder, Editors
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English print edition available now from Brookings Institution Press. German print edition coming soon (2022)
"Is a new era dawning for the European Union? Is the Union’s vision of “ever closer union and a gradually expanding space of free movement of goods, services, people and capital still viable in a continent wracked by such disruptive influences as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, Brexit, new security challenges, digital transformations, more intense international competition, and internal disputes over issues ranging from the rule of law and common debt financing to the future of the euro? What role can and should the European Union play in this new world? What rules and values should guide it?"
Edited by Daniel S. Hamilton, Gregor Kirchhof, and Andreas Rödder, Paradigm Lost? The European Union and the Challenges of a New World explores these questions, drawing on the expert insights of its international and interdisciplinary authors. Supported by the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs and the Foreign Policy Institute at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies, this volume makes a unique contribution to the study of the European Union and its future.
Table of Contents
About the Authors
Part I: The European Union in Search of Itself
Chapter 1. Europe in the Shadow of America and China
Stephen Green
Chapter 2. A Turning Point in the Global Order: European Integration, Transatlantic Values, and the Chinese Path
Michael Hüther and Matthias Diermeier
Chapter 3. The Self-assertion of Europe and the Special Strength of Civil Societies
Gregor Kirchhof
Chapter 4. Transformations in European Integration: Historical Perspectives
Andreas Rödder
Part II: Less Europe or More Europe? Flexible Europe or a Different Europe?
Chapter 5. Understanding Hungary: Perspectives from Central Eastern Europe
Bence Bauer
Chapter 6. A New Accord Among the Member States, the European Union, and Its Citizens
Gianni Bonvicini and Paolo Magagnotti
Chapter 7. EU--Europe's Europe
Matthias Földeak
Chapter 8. The Priorities of the Von der Leyen Commission, at Almost Mid-Term
Benjamin Hartmann
Chapter 9. Europe and COVID-19: A Wake-Up Call
Giorgio Maganza
Chapter 10. More, Not Less: Prospects for a Turning Point in Europe
Hélène Miard-Delacroix
Part III: European Politics in a New World
Chapter 11. European Sovereignty Versus Transatlanticism Amid a Rising China
Erik Brattberg
Chapter 12. Are We Witnessing a "Zeitenwende" in European Security?
Benedikt Franke
Chapter 13. Europe-Russia Relations: A Twin Track to Superior "Peaceful Coexistence"
Christopher Granville
Chapter 14. Forging a Truly Strategic U.S.-EU Partnership
Daniel S. Hamilton
Chapter 15. A Divine Comedy: Systemic Rivalry Between the West and China
Peer-Robin Paulus
Chapter 16. The Future of the Euro
Martin Wiesmann