Call for Submissions: America in the World Consortium (AWC) Article Prizes

June 2, 2020
The America in the World Consortium is pleased to announce that it is offering prizes for the best scholarly and policy articles on U.S. foreign policy and grand strategy written in the past year by pre-tenure scholars (graduate students and junior faculty). Individuals from all institutions are encouraged to apply.
About AWC
In 2018, a team of scholar-practitioners from Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Texas-Austin, and Columbia University launched a consortium to better prepare the next generation of scholar-practitioners to confront geopolitical challenges and advance U.S. national interests abroad. The consortium involves activities at all levels of university education, from the undergraduate level to post-doctoral programs.
Paper Awards
As part of this effort, the Consortium will offer two prizes for articles on issues in American foreign policy and grand strategy:
- Best Research Article on U.S. Foreign Policy and Grand Strategy - $3,500 (Runner-up - $1,500)
- Best Policy Article on U.S Foreign Policy and Grand Strategy - $3,500 (Runner-up - $1,500
Research articles must have appeared in a peer-reviewed journal. Policy articles are defined as substantial works of analysis, addressing a major issue in American foreign policy and grand strategy, that have appeared in reasonably accessible policy-focused publications. These articles need not be peer-reviewed, but they should be based on significant research and systematic analysis. No op-eds.
The Consortium encourages submissions by graduate students and untenured faculty. To be eligible for the contest, articles must have been published, either in print or in digital form, between January 1, 2019 and June 1, 2020. Articles with two or more authors are eligible, so long as all authors meet the eligibility criteria. Articles must be submitted on or before the deadline and must focus on a topic in the broad remit of the scope outlined above to be eligible.
Authors are encouraged to submit their own work. Scholars may also nominate articles written by other scholars. To apply, please submit: a) a PDF copy of the article being nominated; and b) a CV of the author(s).
Submissions due June, 20, 2020 to [email protected]. You may contact Megan Ophel [email protected] with questions regarding this opportunity.
A PDF of this announcement is available here