FSF 2021: Panel with Janne Nolan Prize Winners

In 2020, as part of the Future Strategy Forum, the Henry A. Kissinger Center for Global Affairs, in cooperation with CSIS and the Texas National Security Review, offered prizes to the best new scholarship from early career scholars in national and international security. Winners of the Janne Nolan Prize competition, Dr. Jane Vaynman, Dr. John Emery and Ms. Saher Naumaan speak on their winning essays to be published this summer in a special edition of the Texas National Security Review. Their articles focus on the implications of emerging technology on arms control, the origins of political-military wargaming and issues around surveillance, security and privacy. This panel also illuminates other technology-driven challenges in national security.
Winers of the Janne Nolan Prize
John Emery (runner-up)
Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University
Saher Naumaan (runner-up)
Principal Threat Intelligence Analyst, BAE Systems Applied Intelligence
Jane Vaynman (first place winner)
Assistant Professor, Temple University
This panel was moderated by Rachel Tecott (PhD Candidate, MIT).
For more information on the Janne Nolan Prize click here.