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John L. Harper

John L. Harper

Senior Adjunct Professor

Professor Emeritus


John L. Harper is Senior Adjunct Professor, SAIS Europe, and Professor Emeritus, Johns Hopkins University. AB Haverford College, 1972; PhD, Johns Hopkins SAIS, 1981; Resident Professor of American Foreign Policy and European Studies at the Bologna Center/SAIS Europe, 1981-2020. Member of the Istituto Affari Internazionali; contributing editor, Survival; former German Marshall Fund Research Fellow. He is the author of America and the Reconstruction of Italy, 1945-1948, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, winner of the Marraro Prize from the Society for Italian Historical Studies, 1987 (in Italian translation as: America e la ricostruzione dell'Italia, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1987); American Visions of Europe: Franklin D. Roosevelt, George F. Kennan, and Dean G. Acheson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, winner of the Robert H. Ferrell Prize from the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, 1995; American Machiavelli: Alexander Hamilton and the Origins of U.S. Foreign Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004; The Cold War, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011 (In Italian translation as: La Guerra fredda: un mondo in bilico, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2013; Greek edition by Gutenberg Press, 2021).

Spring 2015 



  • Italy
  • United States
  • Western Europe


  • American Foreign Policy
  • European Union and Transatlantic Relations


  • French
  • Italian

In the News

The elusive concert of powers.

John L. Harper wrote for Aspen Institute Italia, 04/29

Berlin Wall questions.

John Harper interviewed in Aspenia, 11/9

Johnson and Salvini: Two soaring stars lose big political bets.

John Harper quoted in Associated Press, 9/7

In today’s foreign policy, the only law is the law of the strongest.

John Harper interviewed in Fair Observer, 5/8