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Michèle Flournoy Speaks at Kissinger Seminar on Grand Strategy

Michèle Flournoy joined The Kissinger Center and the America in the World Consortium for a virtual session with Professor Brands and Gavin’s Kissinger Seminar on Grand Strategy

Philip Zelikow Presents: The US, China, and Taiwan: A Strategy to Prevent War

Philip Zelikow hosted a Carnegie Squares seminar on his latest Council on Foreign Relations report outlining the best way forward on US-China dynamics concerning Taiwan

Fareed Zakaria speaks with Johns Hopkins Undergraduates and SAIS Students

Fareed Zakaria spoke with students in the undergraduate and graduate levels of the Kissinger Seminar on Grand Strategy on his new book, "Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World," and geopolitics more broadly

IPSCON Hosts Panel on Publishing in Policy and Academia

Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, Editor of Foreign Affairs, Doyle Hodges, Executive Editor of the Texas National Security Review, Elizabeth Saunders, Editor at Monkey Cage and Bruce Jentleson, Editor of the Bridging the Gap Series with Oxford University Press spoke on the publication process

Does the China Model Work? Technology, Commerce, and Geopolitics

Doug Silverman, Adri Guha, and Akhil Johri joined Professor Hal Brands and the Kissinger Center for a discussion, “Does the China Model Work? Technology, Commerce, and Geopolitics.”

The Future of US-China Relations with Sheena Greitens and Zack Cooper

Dr. Sheena Greitens and Dr. Zack Cooper joined Kissinger Center for discussion on howBiden Administration's future US-China policy

Nuclear Safety, Maintenance and Readiness: Perspectives from Junior and Mid-career Military Officials

The Kissinger Center's NSRI program co-hosted a panel on nuclear safety with CSIS' Project on Nuclear Issues for undergraduates studying nuclear scholarship and international relations

Kissinger Center Hosts Amb. Wendy Sherman for a Talk on Political Transitions

Amb. Wendy Sherman hosted a seminar on political transitions for PhD students in the Kissinger Center's IPSCON program

Sheltering in Place: American Foreign Policy in Crisis

Eli Lake joined Johns Hopkins SAIS and undergraduate students for a conversation on the new direction of US Foreign Policy and how the US can be active in the world while addressing major challenges at home.

A New Vision for U.S. Policy in the Middle East

The Kissinger Center hosted a discussion with Alexander Bick, Vali Nasr and Dafna Rand, moderated by Camille Pecastaing about the future for U.S. policy in the Middle East