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Armed Conflict Between China and US is Possible: China Expert

David Lampton, director of the China Studies Program, was interviewed in an article for Tehran Times titled, “Armed Conflict Between China and US is Possible: China Expert.”

N Korean Nuclear Reactor Experiencing Problems: U.S. Think Tank

“38 North,” a blog of the U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS, was mentioned in a Global Post article titled, “N Korean Nuclear Reactor Experiencing Problems: U.S. Think Tank.” 

US Invasion of Iraq Haunts Obama’s Policy in Syria

Daniel Serwer, a senior research professor in the Conflict Management Program, was quoted in a Voice of America article titled, “US Invasion of Iraq Haunts Obama’s Policy in Syria.” 

Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?

Joshua Muravchik, a fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at SAIS, was interviewed in an article for Christian Post titled, “Why Are Liberals Opponents of Israel?” 

Event: The Road to Global Prosperity

Michael Mandelbaum, director of the American Foreign Policy Program, discussed his new book for a Peterson Institute for International Economics event titled, “Event: The Road to Global Prosperity.” 

Are Rick Perry, Rand Paul and Barack Obama on the Same Page on Iraq?

Charles Stevenson, a professorial lecturer in the American Foreign Policy Program, was quoted in an article for the Tampa Bay Times titled, “Are Rick Perry, Rand Paul and Barack Obama on the Same Page on Iraq?”

Levant’s Shakdam: Israel’s ‘Guns’ Target Civilians with ‘Arrows’

Joshua Muravchik, a fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute at SAIS, was quoted in an article for Newsmax titled, “Levant’s Shakdam: Israel’s ‘Guns’ Target Civilians with ‘Arrows.’”

China Seeks to Build Railways in Brazil to Ship out Commodities

Riordan Roett, director of the Latin American Studies Program, was quoted in a Reuters article titled, “China Seeks to Build Railways in Brazil to Ship out Commodities.” 
