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Faculty Directory

Faculty Directory

Study with world-class experts who are renowned for their scholarship, influence, and networks.

Johns Hopkins SAIS guest speaker at a podium

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Novel Initiative Bolsters Economic Independence for African Women

Independent Report from Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies shows women in three African countries earned and saved significantly more money through participation in an initiative led by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

Read The Full Report

SAIS Faculty Scholarship

Highlights recent faculty publications, grants, awards, and recognitions. This compendium demonstrates our unwavering commitment to academic excellence and is intended to acknowledge the ever-growing body of work produced by SAIS faculty across a wide range of disciplines and expertise in international affairs.

View SAIS Faculty Scholarship

Learn From the Best

Learn from expert faculty who transition seamlessly from academia to government service, from the field to the classroom, from elite journals to the mainstream media.

Johns Hopkins SAIS Faculty Profile: Jonas Nahm

Johns Hopkins SAIS Faculty Profile: Jessica Fanzo

Faculty News

Journalists, politicians, academics, and private sector decision-makers turn to our experts as a source for timely and insightful policy expertise, analysis, opinions, and comment.

A Conversation with Shoumitro Chatterjee on Development Economics and International Trade

Trade has historically played a crucial role in lifting millions out of extreme poverty. A key question now is whether this engine of growth will slow down, and if so, by how much. If international markets shrink, there’s also the risk that people who were lifted out of poverty could slip back, raising significant concerns about economic resilience and equity.