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The Rise and Rise of Al-Qaeda

Souad Mekhennet, a fellow at the SAIS Foreign Policy Institute, appeared on

SAISer Posts on the New York Times' India Blog

SAISer Brian Orland '11, finishing up Fulbright research in India, posted an article on the NYT's India Blog on May 8, 2013.

U.S. and Pakistan Try to Mend Frayed Ties

Touqir Hussain, a professorial lecturer in the South Asia Studies Program, was quoted in an Inter Press Service articl

Edward Snowden, Broccoli and Roses

Riordan Roett, director of the Latin American Studies Program, was quoted in a Politico

Back to the Future for U.S. Policy in Egypt and Syria

Vali Nasr, SAIS dean, wrote an op-ed for Al-Monitor titled, “Back to the Future for
