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A speech made at SAIS by former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson was mentioned in a China Daily article

A speech made at SAIS by Hank Paulson, former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, was mentioned in a China Daily article entitled, “Paulson Offers Principles for United States, China Economies.” 

CTR Senior Fellow Daniel Serwer wrote an op-ed for Reuters (10/20).

Daniel Serwer, senior fellow at the SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations and professorial lecturer in the Conflict Management Program, wrote an op-ed for Reuters entitled, “Libya’s Democracy Has a Real Chance.”

CTR Senior Fellow Daniel Serwer was quoted in a Voice of America article (10/20).

Daniel Serwer, senior fellow at the SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations and professorial lecturer in the Conflict Management Program, was quoted in a Voice of America article entitled, “Eccentricity, Repression Marked Gadhafi’s Rule.” 

IRP Fellow David Francis wrote an article for the Fiscal Times article (10/21).

David Francis, fellow at the SAIS International Reporting Project, wrote an article for the Fiscal Times entitled, “Libyan Mission Over, but United States Deeper Into Africa.” 

Professor Riordan Roett was quoted in a New York Times article (10/23).

Riordan Roett, director of the Latin American Studies Program, was quoted in a New York Times article entitled, “Kirchner Achieves an Easy Victory in Argentina Presidential Election.”

Professor Michael Mandelbaum was quoted in a New York Times op-ed (10/25).

Michael Mandelbaum, director of the American Foreign Policy Program, was quoted in a New York Times column entitled, “Barack Kissinger Obama.”

CTR Senior Fellow Daniel Serwer was quoted in a Huffington Post blog post (10/26).

Daniel Serwer, senior fellow at the SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations and professorial lecturer in the Conflict Management Program, was quoted in Huffington Post blog post entitled, “Ending the War in Iraq: How’s Obama’s Own Rhetoric—And George Bush’s Pact—Boxed in the President.” 

FPI Visiting Scholar David Satter was quoted in an Atlantic article

David Satter, visiting scholar at the Foreign Policy Institute, was quoted in an Atlantic article entitled, “As Asia Rises and Europe Declines, Russia Invests Its Hopes in Its Far East.” 

SAIS Visiting Scholar Robert Thompson was quoted in a Reuters article

Robert Thompson, visiting scholar in the International Development and Energy, Resources and Environment programs, was quoted in a Reuters article entitled, “Extra Billions Can Be Fed, But Who Will Pay?”

SAIS Visiting Scholar Robert Thompson was quoted in a Times of India article

Robert Thompson, visiting scholar in the International Development and Energy, Resources and Environment programs, was quoted in a Times of India article entitled, “New Projects Are Shaping New Century of Agriculture.” 
