2017 Max M. Fisher Prize for Excellence in Teaching Lecture featuring David Steinberg
November 1, 2017
David A. Steinberg, Assistant Professor of International Political Economy and recipient of the 2017 Max M. Fisher Prize for Excellence in Teaching
Professor David Steinberg was recognized through a special lecture he delivered for the Johns Hopkins SAIS community, as part of his selection by the student body for an award. Dean Vali Nasr introduced Steinberg and presented him with the Max M. Fisher Prize for Excellence in Teaching. Steinberg discussed the significance of party politics and personal interests in choosing policies.
Steinberg thanked the student community for the award before sharing an overview of the “winners” and “losers” of globalization. He also explored voters' tendencies to resort to political authorities for answers to economic questions. Furthermore, he examined the innate link between exchange control and debt default, drawing upon the example of Argentina and its economic misfortunes. Explaining how party politics can affect the economic situation in a country, Steinberg commented on the existence of a link between partisan identity and policy reference among the public. In addition, he argued that repaying foreign debt can have its costs and its benefits, as was evident in the case of Argentina.
Delving into greater depths of the Argentinian example, Professor Steinberg talked about the discrepancy between party politics in the country and the aftermath of strenuous exchange controls. On that subject, he argued that the perception of the Argentinians was greatly influenced by their alignment among party politics.
In conclusion, he stressed the point that both pocketbook and party politics are responsible for explaining policy affiliation of the public. He stressed that it is the role of political leaders to lead by example and make sure that the “losers” of globalization are well compensated by the shortcomings of the paradigm.