Global Health Policy Research Forum

Jeremy Shiffman, Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Global Health Policy, is one of the co-founders of the recently-launched Global Health Policy Research Forum, to foster a collaborative community among scholars in the global health community. Shiffman co-founded the forum with Kerry Scott, Research Associate at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and five other researchers from African, Asian, and Australian universities.
“The seven of us organized the forum as a means of bringing together researchers from across the world working on global health policy, with the aim of facilitating cross-disciplinary scholarship on the subject,” said Shiffman.
The creation of the forum was announced on October 20 during the Symposium on Global Health Policy Research, an annual event Shiffman co-founded in 2016 to bring together academics based in the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore areas working on global health policy in order to promote the exchange of ideas.
Shiffman is also leading a research team consisting of Yusra Shawar and Adam Koon, both of whom are assistant scientists at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, that received a grant from the GHR Foundation to study the political, bureaucratic, and economic forces shaping the effectiveness of national children’s care systems and identify strategies to augment their effectiveness in Cambodia, Uganda, and Zambia.
“We’re grateful to the GHR Foundation for supporting this work, and looking forward to applying insights from political science and other social sciences to address how to surmount bottlenecks that prevent governments from providing effective care for children,” said Shiffman.
The three-year grant, worth more than $400,000, will support in-depth analysis of the factors affecting children’s care programs in Cambodia, Uganda, and Zambia. This grant is a follow-on to a grant the research team previously received to investigate the global politics of setting up systems to care for millions of children who are orphans or at risk of separation from their families.