Professor Pravin Krishna Serves on JHU’s Tenure Advisory Committee

Pravin Krishna, Chung Ju Yung Distinguished Professor of International Economics and Business, is an inaugural member of Johns Hopkins Tenure Advisory Committee (TAC), a university-wide body that will advise JHU President Ronald J. Daniels on the strength of tenure cases forwarded to him for consideration and will bring the university in line with how its peers address the tenure process.
“I am happy to be serving as an inaugural member of the committee along with faculty colleagues from around the university,” said Krishna. “Thus far, it has been very interesting — and indeed inspiring — to learn about tenure standards and tenure practices at the other schools within Johns Hopkins.”
Krishna and the other committee members were recommended to serve on the TAC by their school-level tenure advisory boards and approved by President Daniels to serve three-year terms with the option to renew for a second term. The TAC held its first meeting in November and has begun advising President Daniels on all cases submitted to him for final approval by the University’s Board of Trustees in February 2021.