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Amy Porges

Amy Porges

Adjunct Lecturer in the Master of Arts in Global Policy Program

  • Campus Location: Washington DC


Amy Porges practices international trade law in Washington DC. Her experience in trade law and trade policy spans seven administrations and includes sixteen years at the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR), four years in the GATT Secretariat during the negotiations that led to the WTO, and nine years in large international law firms before opening her own firm in 2009. In private practice and in government, she has litigated, managed or advised on over 100 government-to-government trade disputes, as well as WTO and free trade agreement negotiations. As USTR’s Senior Counsel for Dispute Settlement and head of enforcement in 1995-2000, she managed USTR’s WTO and NAFTA litigation, including key cases that shaped WTO law in the WTO’s first five years. She has handled problems from agriculture to high tech, including negotiations, digital and internet trade, regulatory barriers, China issues and more. 
