Jacob Cohn is a Research Fellow at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, Mr. Cohn manages the Strategic Choices Tool and conducts research and analysis for both the Strategic Studies and the Budgetary Studies programs. His primary areas of interest concern trends in the overall defense budget and in particular the linkages between resources and strategy. His research also focuses on the utilization of scenarios and wargames to facilitate long-range strategic planning and operational concept development. Mr. Cohn has authored a number of publications on trends in the defense budget and defense acquisitions as well as case studies exploring the Second Nuclear Age and defending European frontline states. He contributes to print and broadcast media and is also an adjunct lecturer at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. He has an MA in international affairs from Johns Hopkins SAIS and a joint BA degree in mathematics and economics (with highest honors) from Emory University.
Prior to joining CSBA in 2014, Mr. Cohn served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in West Africa, worked in the Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict office at the Pentagon, and was a grants and budget manager for CARE USA.