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Joshua Michaud

Joshua Michaud

Adjunct Lecturer

  • Campus Location: Washington DC


Josh Michaud is Associate Director for Global Health Policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation, and also a Professorial Lecturer with the International Development Program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).  Dr. Michaud has been part of the faculty since 2009, teaching two International Development courses: “Global Health Policy” and “Introduction to Public Health for Development Practitioners.”  His research, teaching, and analytical work focus on global health policy and financing, global health diplomacy, health security and emerging diseases, and the links between health and development. His prior experience includes over 10 years working as an epidemiologist on a variety of different projects, both domestic and international. He holds a PhD in International Health Policy from Johns Hopkins University SAIS, an MA in Applied Economics from Johns Hopkins University, and an MHS in Epidemiology from the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health.
- Moss K, Michaud JM. The U.S. Department of Defense and Global Health: Infectious Disease Efforts. Kaiser Family Foundation, October 2013.
- Michaud JM, Kates J, Valentine A, Wexler A. U.S. Humanitarian Assistance and Global Health Policy: Opportunities and Barriers for More Effective Coordination. Kaiser Family Foundation, October 2013.
- Michaud JM, Kates J. Global health diplomacy: poised for a more prominent role?  Global Health: Science and Practice, March 2013,
- Michaud JM, Valentine A, Kates J. U.S. Global Health Policy: A Primer. Kaiser Family Foundation, January 2013.
- Michaud JM, Moss K, Kates J. The U.S. Department of Defense and Global Health. Kaiser Family Foundation, November 2012.
- Michaud JM, Kates J. Raising the Profile of Diplomacy in the U.S. Global Health Response: A Backgrounder on Global Health Diplomacy. Kaiser Family Foundation, September 2012.
- Kates J, Michaud JM. The U.S. Global Health Initiative: Where Does it Stand? Lancet, 379(9830): 1925-1926, May 26, 2012.
- Michaud JM. Commentary on “Space Imaging and Rift Valley Fever”. Chapter in: Value of Information: Methodological Frontiers and New Applications in Environment and Health. Springer Books, 2012.
- Michaud JM. “National Center for Medical Intelligence”. Chapter in: Encyclopedia of Bioterrorism Defense, 2nd Edition (Katz and Zelinkas, Eds.), 2011.
- Michaud JM, Kates J. Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Global Health: Overview & Considerations for U.S. Government Participation. Kaiser Family Foundation. September 2011.
- Michaud JM, Kates J. U.S. Global Health Initiative: A Country Analysis. Kaiser Family Foundation, January 2011.
- Michaud JM. “Global Health's Private-Sector Revolution”.  World Politics Review December 2010.
- Michaud JM. “Governance Implications of Emerging Disease Surveillance and Response as Global Public Goods”.  Global Health Governance Vol. III, No. 2, Spring 2010.
- Feldbaum H, Michaud JM, Lee K.  “Global Health and Foreign Policy”, Epidemiologic Reviews 2010 32(1):82-92.
- Feldbaum H, Michaud JM “Health Diplomacy and the Enduring Relevance of Foreign Policy Interests”. PLoS Medicine 2010 7(4): e1000226.
- Michaud JM. “From AIDS to Swine Flu: Global Cooperation on Emerging Diseases”. World Politics Review November 2009.
- Cunningham SD, Michaud JM, Johnson SM, Rompalo A, Ellen JM. Phase-specific network differences associated with the syphilis epidemic in Baltimore city, 1996-2000. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2004 Oct;31(10):611-5.
- Michaud JM, Johnson SM, Ellen J. Comparison of sex partner meeting venues and residences of syphilis cases in Baltimore. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2004 Apr;31(4):239-42.
- Michaud JM, Ellen J, Johnson SM, Rompalo A. Responding to a community outbreak of syphilis by targeting sex partner meeting location: an example of a risk-space intervention. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2003 Jul;30(7):533-8.
