Mine Z. Senses is an Associate Professor of International Economics in the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University. Her current research focuses on the consequences of globalization on the labor market, with emphasis on quantifying the heterogeneous costs and benefits experienced by different segments of the population. Her research has been published in numerous journals including the Review of Economic Studies, Journal of International Economics, American Economic Review and the Canadian Journal of Economics. She hold a BA from the Middle East Technical University and a PhD from the University of Michigan.
Feler, L., and Senses, M. Z. (2017).
Trade shocks and the provision of local public goods. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 9(4), 101-43.
Kurz, C., & Senses, M. Z. (2016).
Importing, exporting, and firm-level employment volatility.
Journal of International Economics,98, 160-175.
Kandilov, I. T., & Senses, M. Z. (2016).
The effects of wrongful discharge protection on foreign multinationals: Evidence from transaction-level data.
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue Canadienne Déconomique, 49(1), 111-146.
Krishna, P., Poole, J. P., & Senses, M. Z. (2012).
Trade, labor market frictions, and residual wage inequality across worker groups.
American Economic Review,102(3), 417-423.
Krishna, P., Poole, J., & Senses, M. Z. (2011).
Wage effects of trade reform with endogenous worker mobility.
Journal of International Economics, 93(2): 239-252. See research summary at
VoxEU and
Senses, M. Z. (2010).
The effects of offshoring on the elasticity of labor demand.
Journal of International Economics,81(1), 89-98.
Krishna, P., & Senses, M. Z. (2009).
International trade and labor income risk in the United States.
Review of Economic Studies, 81(1): 186-218.
Considers the theory and practice of international trade and investment. First part of the course examines the cause of trade, the sources of the gains from trade and the domestic and international distribution of those gains. Second part examines the instruments and consequences of trade policy measures, especially tariffs and quantitative restrictions. Addresses preferential trade agreements and the practice of trade policy.