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Obama Calls for Dramatic Decrease in Nuclear Weapons

Eric Edelman, distinguished practitioner-in-residence at the Philip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies, appeared on

Journal Article Published by SAIS Alumnus in the Canada-United States Law Journal

The 2012 Canada-United States Law Journal  is hot off the press and published a journal article by Chris Sands '94, Ph.D. '09, mentioning his affiliation with SAIS.

Is Syria's Civil War Going Global.

Daniel Serwer, senior research professor in the Conflict Management Program,

SAIS Alumnus is New Chinese Ambassador to the U.S.

On June 6, 2013, the New York Times reported that Mr. Cui Tiankai '87, newly appointed Chinese ambassador to the U.S., played a key role at the meeting that U.S. President recently had with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Huffingto Post Article Published by SAIS Alumnus Chris Sands '94, Ph.D. '09

Chris Sands '94, Ph.D. '09 published his most recent op ed in the Huffington Post on June 21, 2013 titled, "Paul Cellucci: A Forthright Friend of Canada."
