I. William Zartman, professor emeritus of Conflict Management, was quoted in a Sahara News article titled, “William Zartman Pleads for Western Sahara Autonomy.”
Matthias Matthijs, assistant professor of International Political Economy, wrote a blog post for Harvard Business Review’s “HBR Blog Network” titled, “How Europe's New Gold Standard Undermines Democracy.”
Nancy Okail, a visiting scholar in the International Law and Organizations Program at SAIS, wrote a blog post for The American Interest’s “Adam Garfinkle's Blog” titled, “Will the Civil Divorce of Egypt’s Political Powers Remain Civil?”
Deborah Brautigam, director of the International Development Program, appeared on Voice of America for a segment titled, “China Navigates Delicate Balance Between Two Sudans.”
Christopher Chivvis, a professorial lecturer in the European Studies Program, wrote a blog post for CNN.com’s “Global Public Square” blog titled, “A Year After the Fall of Tripoli, Libya Still Fragile.”
Marius Deeb, a professorial lecturer in the Middle East Studies Program, was interviewed for a GlobalPost article titled, “Assad's Alawites Fear a Time When Sunnis Seek Revenge.”
Kent Calder, director of the Japan Studies Program, was quoted in a New York Times article titled, “Dispute Over Islands Reflects Japanese Fear of China’s Rise.”