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Italy Prime Minister Mario Monti Faces Growing Pressure Over Debt

Gianfranco Pasquino, senior adjunct professor of European Studies at the SAIS Bologna Center, was quoted in a Los Angeles article titled, “Italy Prime Minister Mario Monti Faces Growing Pressure Over Debt.”

The Centrifuge That Is Bosnia

Michael Haltzel, senior fellow at the SAIS Center for Transatlantic Relations, wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post titled, “The Centrifuge That Is Bosnia.” 

North Korea Makes 'Significant' Nuclear Reactor Progress €“ International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Joel Wit, a visiting scholar at the U.S.-Korea Institute at SAIS, was quoted in a Reuters Africa article titled, “North Korea Makes ‘Significant’ Nuclear Reactor Progress – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).”

India Walking Tightrope in Intra-Islam Cold War in West Asia

Vali Nasr, SAIS dean, was quoted in a Times of India article titled, “India Walking Tightrope in Intra-Islam Cold War in West Asia.”

William Zartman Pleads for Western Sahara Autonomy

I. William Zartman, professor emeritus of Conflict Management, was quoted in a Sahara News article titled, “William Zartman Pleads for Western Sahara Autonomy.”

How Europe's New Gold Standard Undermines Democracy

Matthias Matthijs, assistant professor of International Political Economy, wrote a blog post for Harvard Business Review’s “HBR Blog Network” titled, “How Europe's New Gold Standard Undermines Democracy.”

Will the Civil Divorce of Egypt's Political Powers Remain Civil

Nancy Okail, a visiting scholar in the International Law and Organizations Program at SAIS, wrote a blog post for The American Interest’s “Adam Garfinkle's Blog” titled, “Will the Civil Divorce of Egypt’s Political Powers Remain Civil?”

Just Say No to U.S. State Funding of Jewish Schools

Yael Miller, a SAIS M.A. student, wrote an op-ed for Haaretz titled, “Just Say No to U.S. State Funding of Jewish Schools.”

Iran Hails Non-Aligned Summit as Diplomatic Coup Against West

Vali Nasr, SAIS dean, was quoted in a Reuters article titled, “Iran Hails Non-Aligned Summit as Diplomatic Coup Against West.”

China Navigates Delicate Balance Between Two Sudans

Deborah Brautigam, director of the International Development Program, appeared on Voice of America for a segment titled, “China Navigates Delicate Balance Between Two Sudans.”
