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Korea Becomes Hot Summer-School Destination

Kathryn Weathresby, a professorial lecturer in the Korea Studies Program, was quoted in a Korea Herald article titled, “Korea Becomes Hot Summer-School Destination.”

Syria After the Fall

Vali Nasr, SAIS dean, wrote an op-ed for The New York Times titled, “Syria After the Fall.”

Syria's Alawi Population

Jocelyne Cesari, senior visiting professor of International Relations, appeared on Public Radio International’s “America Abroad” for a segment titled, “Syria's Alawi Population.”

Mr. Romney Goes to Israel

Joshua Muravchik, fellow at the SAIS Foreign Policy Institute, was quoted in a GlobalPost article titled, “Mr. Romney Goes to Israel.”

Syria: Assad the Domino That Will Not Fall

Vali Nasr, SAIS dean, appeared on Euronews for a segment titled, “Syria: Assad the Domino That Will Not Fall.”

China's Economy Is Slowly Becoming More Normal

Pieter Bottelier, senior adjunct professor in the China Studies Program, wrote an article for the Carnegie Endowment’s “International Economic Bulletin” titled, “China's Economy Is Slowly Becoming More Normal.”

Syria's Stalemate

Vali Nasr, SAIS dean, appeared on the  Australian Broadcasting Corporation for a segment titled, “Syria's Stalemate.”

How 10 Years of War Has Changed U.S. Spies

John McLaughlin, distinguished practitioner-in-residence Phillip Merrill Center for Strategic Studies,  wrote a blog post for CNN’s "Security Clearance" blog titled, “How 10 Years of War Has Changed U.S. Spies.”

Saudis 'Mull Buying Nukes From Pakistan'

Mara Karlin, a SAIS Ph.D. candidate, was quoted in an United Press International (UPI) article titled, “Saudis 'Mull Buying Nukes From Pakistan'.”

Romney's Foreign Policy Prescription for Syria

Vali Nasr, SAIS dean, appeared on CNNInternational’s “Christiane Amanpour” for a segment titled, “Romney's Foreign Policy Prescription for Syria.”
