2020 SAIS Europe Commencement
May 23, 2020
On May 23, 2020, the school hosted a virtual Commencement Ceremony for graduating SAIS Europe students. It was an emotional occasion for students, faculty, staff as well as friends and family. Director Mike Plummer gave a speech full of well-wishes for our graduating class. He then welcomed keynote speaker and Johns Hopkins SAIS Alumna, Fiona Campbell, who gave an inspirational speech, combining her experience as a student in Bologna, lasting relationships with students and faculty, with the impact the SAIS Europe experience and education has had in her life. Her perspective from an online career at the BBC was especially important as students face a complex world that is increasingly digital.
Students received the traditional SAIS Europe Grove Haines awards, named after the Bologna Center founder and long-time Director. Their purpose is to commemorate Grove Haines' commitment to an international graduate-level education in international affairs and to honor the best research produced by SAIS Europe students. The prizes have been awarded for the best Master of Arts in International Affairs (MAIA) thesis or thesis length independent study project and the best student paper or research project in International Economics, International Policy Areas, and Regions of the World.
Director Plummer also gave a special thanks to the members of the Student Government Association (SGA) who kept the cohort together even as the pandemic diminished their ability to celebrate Commencement together in Bologna and shared with students an emotional video commemorating the unique class of 2020.
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