James Riedel is Professor Emeritus and formerly the William L. Clayton Professor of International Economics at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), where he has been on the faculty since 1976. His interests lie in economic development, international finance, and international trade theory and policy. He is member of the Board of Directors of the Vietnam Debt Fund (Dragon Capital Group). He has been Senior Economic Advisor to the USAID‐funded STAR‐project, which advises the government of Vietnam on economic policy and a consultant to the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the OECD and other international organizations and corporations. He is on the advisory boards of the American Committee for Asian Economic Studies and the Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research. He has been a research fellow at the Institut fur Weltwirtschaft (Kiel), a visiting fellow at the Australian National University and Nuffield College, Oxford, and a Fulbright Professor in Vietnam. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Asian Economics and on the advisory boards of The World Economy and Asia Pacific Economic Literature. He has published numerous books and articles on international trade theory, international finance and economic development.
Books and Monographs
How China Grows: Investment, Finance, and Reform, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press 2007: Beijing: Peking University Press, 2007 (bilingual edition), with Jing Jin and Jian Gao
The Politics and Economics of Transition to an Open Market Economy in Vietnam, Paris: OECD 1999, with William Turley
Sustaining the Development Process, Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1995, contributor and co-editor with Ross Garnaut and Enzo Grilli
Economic Crises and Long-term Growth in Turkey, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 1993, with Ziya Onis
Kinh Te Hoc Quoc Te: Ly Thuyet va Thuc Tien (International Economics: Theory and Practice), Hanoi: State Planning Committee, 1993, 185 pps (in Vietnamese).
The Direction of Trade Policy, Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1990, contributor and co-editor with Charles Pearson
Myths and Reality of External Constraints on Development, London: Gower Publishing Company Ltd. (for the Trade Policy Research Centre) 1987
The Implications of Managed Floating Exchange Rates for U.S. Trade Policy, New York: NYU Monograph Series in Economics and Finance, 1979, with Isaiah Frank and Charles Pearson
The Industrialization of Hong Kong, Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr/Paul Siebeck, 1974
Refereed Articles
“Lessons for Last-Comers from Vietnam’s Transition,” Journal of Asian Economics (Elsivier), forthcoming 2014
“Expectations and the Cost of Disinflation in Vietnam,” Journal of Asian Pacific Economy (Routledge), 2013 (with Tra Pham)
“On the Conduct of Monetary Policy in Vietnam,” Asia Pacific Economic Literature (Blackwell), 2012 (with Tra Pham).
“The Tyranny of Numbers or the Tyranny of Methodology: Explaining the East Asian Growth Experience,” Annals of Economics and Finance, 8-2, 385-396 (2007).
“Aid and Growth: Reflections on the China and Vietnam,” Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 2006. Annals of Economics and Finance, forthcoming.
“Capital Market Integration in Developing Asia,” The World Economy, 20 (1), January 1997, 1-19. Reprinted in C. Milner, ed., Globalization of the World Economy: Developing and Newly Industrializing Countries, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1998
“The Vietnamese Economy in the 1990s,” Asia-Pacific Economic Literature, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 1997, 58-65.
“Modeling NIE Exports: Aggregation, Quantitative Restrictions and Choice of Econometric Methodology,” Journal of Development Studies, 33 (1), October 1996, 81-98, with Premachandra Athukorala.
“Demand and Supply Factors in the Determination of NIE Exports: A Simultaneous Error-Correction Model for Hong Kong: A Comment,” Economic Journal, vol. 104, no. 427, with Premachandra Athukorala.
“Economic Relations between Taiwan and the United States,” Journal of Asian Economics, vol. 5, no. 3, 1994, 349-366.
“Viet Nam: On the Trail of the Tigers,” The World Economy, vol. 16, no. 4, July 1993, 401-422.
“Intra-Asian International Trade and Direct Investment,” Asian Development Review Vol. 9, No. 1, 1991, 111-146. Reprinted in Dilip K. Das, ed., Emerging Growth Pole: The Asia Pacific Economy, Singapore: Simon & Schuster, 1996.
“The Small Country Assumption: A Reassessment with Evidence from Korea,” Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 125, Heft 1, April 1991, 138-151.
“Demand for LDC Exports of Manufactures: Estimates from Hong Kong: A Rejoinder,” Economic Journal, Vol. 99, No. 396, June 1989, 467-471.
“Demand for LDC Exports of Manufactures: Estimates from Hong Kong”, Economic Journal, 98, No. 389, (March 1988), 138-148.
“The Determinants of Indian Export Performance in the 1970s”, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 118, Heft 2 (March 1984), 338-365. with Chris Hall and Roger Grawe.
“Trade as the Engine of Growth in Developing Countries, Revisited”, Economic Journal, Vol. 94, No. 373 (March 1984) 56-73, reprinted in Deepak Lal, ed., Development Economics (Edward Elgar Publishing, 1991).
“Major Currency Realignments and the Terms of Trade in Developing Countries”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 10, No. 2, April 1982, 227-245, with Romeo M. Bautista
“Safeguard Protection of Industry in Developed Countries: Assessment of the Implications for Developing Countries”, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 116, Heft 3, 1980, 471-492, with Linda Gard
“Industrial Employment Under Alternative Development Strategies: Some Empirical Evidence”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 7, December 1980, 567-577, with Ranadev Banerji. Reprinted in Prema-chandra Athukorala, ed., The Economic Development of South Asia. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 2002
“Tariff Concessions in the Kennedy Round and the Structure Protection in West Germany: An Econometric Assessment”, Journal of International Economics, Vol. 7, May 1977, 133-143.
“Expansion of Manufactured Exports in Development Countries: An Empirical Assessment of Supply and Demand Issues”, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Vol. 113, No. 1 1977, with Juergen B. Donges.
“Intermediate Inputs and the Theory of International Trade: A Generalization of the Pure Intermediate Good Case”, American Economic Review, Vol. 68, No. 3, June 1976, 441-447.
“A Balanced Growth Version of the Linkage Hypothesis: A Comment”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 90, May 1976, 319-322. Reprinted in H.D. Kurz and C. Lager, eds., Input-Output Analysis, London: Edgar Elgar, 2003.
“The Nature and Determinants of Export-Oriented Direct Foreign Investment in a Developing Country: A Case Study of Taiwan”, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Vol. III, No. 3, September 1975, 58-87.
“Factor Proportions, Linkages and the Open Developing Economy”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 57, November 1975, 487-494. Reprinted in I. Sohn, ed., Readings in Input-Output Analysis: Theory and Applications New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
“Economic Development Lessons from Hong Kong: A Reply,” Economic Record, Vol. XLIII, December, 1973, 637-643, with Bruce Glassburner.
“Importsubstitution, Exportforderung und wirtschaftliche Effizienz in der Verarbeitenden Industrie Taiwans,” Die Weltwirtschaft, Heft 1, June, 1973, 141-161.
“Government in the Economy of Hong Kong,” Economic Record, Vol. XLII, March 1972, 58-75 with Bruce Glassburner.
Chapters in Books
“Industrial Clusters in Vietnam,” in A. Kuchiki and M Tsuji, eds., Industrial Clusters in Asia: Competition and Cooperation, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005 (with Adam McCarty and Richard Record).
“The Role of the State in Vietnam’s Transition,” in Achieving High Growth: Experiences of Transitional Economies in East Asia, Sydney: Oxford University Press, 2003 (with Suiwah Leung).
“Needed: A Strategic Vision for Setting Reform Priorities in Viet Nam,” in Suiwah Leung, ed., Vietnam and the East Asian Crisis, London: Edward Elgar Publ. Ltd., 1999.
“Transition to Market Economy in Viet Nam,” in Jeffrey D. Sachs, Wing Thye Woo and Stephen Parker, eds., Economies in Transition: Comparing Asia and Europe, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 1998, 189-216, with Bruce Comer.
“Explaining the Growth of a Superstar-Taiwan,” Business & the Contemporary World, vol. VII (3/4) 1996, 223-244.
“East Asian Growth Model: How General Is It?” In R. Garnaut, E. Grilli and J. Riedel, eds., Sustaining Export-Oriented Development, Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 31-61.
“Export Growth and the Terms of Trade: The Case of the Curious Elasticities,” in David Vines and David Currie, eds., North-South Linkages and International Macroeconomic Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995, 29-42, with Premachandra Athukorala.
“Trade Policy Reform in Developing Countries Since 1985: A Review of the Evidence,” World Bank Discussion Paper, number 267, November 1994, with J. Dean and S. Desai.
“Strategies of Economic Development,” E. Grilli and D. Salvatore, eds., Economic Development: Handbook of Comparative Economic Policies, Greenwood Press, 1994, 29-64.
“International Trade in Taiwan’s Transition from Developing to Mature Economy,” in Gustav Ranis, ed., Taiwan: From Developing to Mature Economy, Boulder: Westview Press, 1992, 253-304. Reprinted in Heather Smith (ed.), The Economic Development of Northeast Asia, Edward Elgar, 2001.
“United States Trade Policy” in E. Grilli and E. Sassoon, eds., The New Protectionist Wave (London: Macmillan, 1991) with Charles Pearson.
“Strategy Wars: The State of Debate on Trade and Industrialization in Developing Countries,” in Charles S. Pearson and James Riedel, eds. The Direction of Trade Policy, (Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1990) 130-150; Reprinted in K.A. Koekkoek and L.B. M. Mennes, eds., International Trade and Global Development: Essays in Honor of Jagdish Bhagwati, (London: Routledge, 1991).
“La Politica Commerciale Degli Stati Uniti”, in Enzo Grilli and Enrico Sassoon, eds., Il Flagello del Protezionismo (The Scourge of Protectionism) (Milano: Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A., 1988, 251-269.
“Trade as an Engine of Growth: Theory and Evidence”, in David Greenaway, ed., Economic Development and International Trade: A Reader (London: Macmillan Ltd., 1988), 25-54.
“Economic Development in East Asia: Doing What Comes Naturally?” in H. Hughes, eds., Achieving Industrialization in East Asia, (Cambridge University Press, 1-38, 1988). Reprinted in P.K. O’Brien, ed., Critical Perspectives on the World Economy, London: Routledge, ?
“Trade Policy in the United States: From Multilateralism to Bilateralism?”, in H. Giersch, ed., Free Trade in the World Economy: Towards an Opening of Markets, Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr/Paul Sieberg, 1987, 85-104.
“Export Price and Volume Adjustments to Fluctuations in World Income: Case Study of a Small Open Economy”, in Manoranjan Dutta (ed.), Studies in U.S.-Asia Economic Relations, Durham: The Acorn Press, 1985.
“The Symptoms of Declining United States International Competitiveness” in Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress, Special Study of Economic Change, Vol. IX, The International Economy: U.S. Role in the World Market, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1980, 230-250.
“Comment: Transnational Corporations and Trade Structure: The Role of Intra-Firm Trade”, in H. Giersch, ed., On the Economics of Intra-Industry Trade, Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1979, 182-184.
“Economic Dependence and Entrepreneurial Opportunities in the Host Country-MNC Relationship”, in Robert G. Hawkins, ed., Economic Issues of Multinational Corporations (New York: J.A.I. Press, 1979), 235-262.
“Export Oriented Industrialization and National Economic Integration in Brazil and Taiwan”, Viertel Jahres Berichte, No. 75, March 1979, 35-60, with William G. Tyler.
“Wirtchaftspolitik und Exportentwicklung in Taiwan”, Die Weltwirtschaft, Heft 1, June 1975, 100-113.