Curriculum | PhD
You will work closely with faculty advisors to develop an academic plan that best supports your dissertation research. Throughout the program you will develop a comprehensive understanding of qualitative and quantitative analytic skills, international relations, economics, and regional studies.
Summary of Requirements
Each PhD student is required to do all of the following:
Complete a minimum of two consecutive semesters of registration as a full-time, resident graduate student, meaning that the student is present on-campus and working towards fulfilling the requirements for the degree.
Ensure that their student account balance is paid in a timely manner.
Register as an active student each fall and spring semester from matriculation to degree completion.
Maintain a B+ average for all courses and receive no grade below B-.
Submit a preliminary schedule of coursework and comprehensive examinations upon entering the program.
Complete coursework in research methodology.
Complete coursework relevant to his or her chosen fields of study.
Submit annual progress reports.
Pass two written comprehensive examinations (exception, the International Economics comp is not an exam, but rather three approved advanced courses).
Complete a high-quality research paper prior to the end of their second year in the program. The paper must be distinct from the dissertation, make an original scholarly contribution, and must be considered to have a strong potential of ultimately being publishable. The papers must be approved by the student’s advisor and a second faculty member that is outside of the student’s main field.
Demonstrate competence in two foreign languages, OR one language and Applied Econometrics. Note: non-native English speakers can use English as a language for this requirement.
Write and defend a dissertation prospectus.
Write a dissertation that is approved by at least two readers and certified by them to be a significant contribution to knowledge and worthy of publication.
Successfully defend the dissertation at an oral examination with a committee consisting of five examiners.
Receive certification from the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs and the PhD Faculty Committee that all requirements have been fulfilled.
Receive dissertation-binding approval from the Homewood Library prior to the SAIS Faculty PhD Conferral Meeting.
Students who are not meeting any of the above requirements may be placed on academic probation and/or dismissed from the program.