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Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance (MIEF)

Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance (MIEF)

  • Campus: Washington DC
  • Program Duration: Two-Year Track; Full Time | One-year Accelerated Track; Full-Time
  • Credits: 56 Credits


The Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance (MIEF) is a comprehensive, cohort-based degree that provides an integrated learning experience through intensive classroom instruction and interactive sessions. Offered full-time in person at our Washington, DC campus, this STEM-designated program equips you with advanced knowledge of economic theories, professional quantitative and econometric skills, and the ability to analyze a broad spectrum of international economics and financial issues.

The MIEF can be completed in 2 academic years or in a 1-year accelerated timeline.

Become an Expert

Students begin their program with a review of intermediate microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics courses before moving into advanced courses in quantitative methods, international finance, and international trade. Students have the opportunity to enroll in skills courses focusing on R, Python, and other practical research tools to prepare them for their Applied Research Paper and Capstone projects. Advanced economics electives allow each student to customize their degree to better prepare them for their future careers in various international economics and finance fields.

Quantitative Background

Given the intensive focus of the program on economics and finance, it is preferred that candidates have an undergraduate degree in economics or a related field with strong analytic skills.

  • Basic Calculus: Functions of one variable (limits, derivatives of first and second order, integrations, differential equations of first and second order)

  • Intermediate Calculus: Functions of N variables (multi-variable differentiation of first and second order, multiple integrations, differential equations of first and second order)

  • Statistics or equivalent (random samples, samples versus populations, sample moments and their distributions, probability distributions, hypothesis testing)

  • Basic Econometrics or equivalent (Ordinary Least Squares, nonlinear least squares, Maximum Likelihood function, properties of residuals, approaches to address violations of classical assumptions, forecasting)

  • Intermediate Econometrics or equivalent (estimators for system of equations: 2SLS, IV, Full Information, simultaneity bias, Vector Autoregression, Panel Data with fixed and random coefficients, forecasting ex-post and ex-ante)

  • Intermediate Microeconomics (utility maximization and demand schedules, profit maximization and supply schedules, market structures, general equilibrium, and welfare, international trade: two country, two factors, two products)

  • Intermediate Macroeconomics (measurement of macroeconomic aggregates, models of economic growth, explaining business cycles, implementation of monetary and fiscal policies, international finance exchange rates, uncovered interest parity condition, balance of payments.

  • Advanced Microeconomics (Heterogeneity of utility functions, aggregation of consumer demand functions, profit maximization under heterogeneous technology structures, aggregation of producers supply schedules, existence and uniqueness of equilibrium prices, market structures and market failures, general equilibrium and welfare, game theory, international trade: N countries, N factors, N products)

  • Advanced Macroeconomics (Micro foundations of macroeconomics, credibility of policies, intertemporal policy optimization, sustainability of external imbalances, international policy coordination and game theory)

Choose Your Degree Timeline

Whether you're aiming to fast-track your career advancement or seeking a more comprehensive educational experience, the MIEF degree has completion options that align with your academic needs and future goals. The MIEF offers the same comprehensive economics curriculum at two different paces.

2-Year Option

  • 56 credits completed full time

  • Complete your degree in two academic years

  • STEM-designated curriculum

  • In-person classes

  • Internship opportunities in the summer and into a student’s second year

  • Balanced coursework with extracurriculars

  • More time to network with other professionals and explore careers

  • Extended time for personal and professional development

  • Room for additional elective courses

1-Year Accelerated Option

  • 56 credits completed full time

  • Start in summer—complete by May

  • STEM-designated curriculum

  • In-person classes

  • Fast track to re-enter the job market quickly

  • Intensive focused learning experience

  • Reduced disruption to your personal and professional life

  • Immediate career impact

Learn From the Best

Study with world-class experts who are renowned for their scholarship, influence, and networks.

Gordon Bodnar

Morris W. Offit Professor of International Finance, Director of the Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance

Mine Senses

Bernard L. Schwartz Associate Professor

Jaime Marquez

Senior Lecturer

Filipe Campante

Bloomberg Distinguished Professor

Advance Your Career

From consultants to entrepreneurs, leaders of nongovernmental organizations to policymakers, Johns Hopkins SAIS graduates put their degrees to work.

89% of the one-year Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance graduates from the Classes of 2020-2024 were employed, pursuing fellowships or internships, or had gone on for further study within six months of graduation.

Recent Employers

  • China International Capital Corporation (CICC)
  • Ernst & Young (EY)
  • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
  • Great Wall Securities
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • PwC
  • Skyview Fund
  • U.S. Department of Commerce 
  • U.S. Department of  the Treasury
  • World Bank Group 

*Based on a survey of MIEF students from the classes of 2020-2024, including graduates from August, December, and May, the outcomes represent 70% of the population.

Build Your Network

Join an influential alumni network of more than 24,000+ professionals working across sectors in 140 countries around the world.

Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance world bank profile

Students attend the annual Word Bank and IMF meetings in Washington DC.

Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance Albright profile

Students meet with former US Secretary of State, and former Johns Hopkins SAIS student, Madeleine Albright.

Carmen Profile Image

To Gain New Work Experiences and International Perspectives

I was attracted to the program’s rigorous econometrics curriculum as well as its emphasis on technical skills and professional development. In addition, the opportunity to undertake a STEM-designated graduate degree within an international studies institution was of great interest to me.

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Photo of Johns Hopkins SAIS student Neil Evan Bhatia

A Myriad of Opportunities Within Arm's Reach

I was able to leverage the Johns Hopkins SAIS name and talk about my MIEF quantitative coursework to get internships at the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the US Department of the Treasury.

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Beyond the Classroom

Through study treks, practicum projects, staff rides, career treks, and internships, you will gain practical, hands-on experience.

Economy Speaker Series

Held biweekly join these guest speaker lectures for the opportunity to hear from experts in their fields on a variety of economic issues and topics.

International Finance Club

Take advantage of seminars and training sessions that will provide you with technical skills and knowledge to advance your career.

Networking Events

Network with alumni and professionals and organize student-led events exploring your area of interest's challenges and opportunities outside the classroom.

World-Class Events

The school regularly hosts expert policymakers, CEOs, heads of state, and scholars to campus. Students are encouraged to explore topics of interest by attending lectures, presentations, and special programming.