Federal Aid
Most Johns Hopkins SAIS students who are US citizens or "eligible noncitizens" can receive some form of federal aid from the United States government. We strongly encourage all US-based applicants to apply for federal financial aid, regardless of what you think you might receive. There is no income cut-off to qualify for federal student aid.

Research federal sources of financial aid.
To qualify for federal student aid (loans and work-study funds), you must meet certain basic eligibility criteria.
One of the main criteria is that you must be a US citizen or an "eligible noncitizen." Generally, if you have a “green card” (in other words, if you are a permanent resident alien), you will be considered an “eligible noncitizen” and will be able to get federal student aid if you meet the other basic eligibility criteria. Details on which immigration statuses are eligible can be found on the Federal Student Aid website.
You can find the most up-to-date information on eligibility criteria by visiting the Federal Student Aid website of the US Department of Education. The Washington DC Office of Financial Aid can also assist you in determining your eligibility.
How to Apply for Federal Aid
Students who wish to apply for federal aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The Federal School Code for Johns Hopkins SAIS is E00474.
Applicants will be able to complete the FAFSA online as early as October 1. To expedite financial aid processing, we recommend that applicants submit the FAFSA the same week they submit their admissions application.
Types of Federal Student Aid
Federal Direct Loans
Your eligibility is determined by your FAFSA data and federal tax returns. The US Department of Education makes these loans through Johns Hopkins SAIS for your educational expenses.
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans
The maximum Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan for a graduate or professional student is $20,500 per academic year. Financial need is not required for eligibility. Flexible repayment options are available, including longer repayment periods as well as income-sensitive payment schedules.
Loan Terms and Disbursement:
- An origination fee is deducted from each disbursement of the loan.
- The interest rate is a fixed percent for the life of the loan.
- Loan disbursements are scheduled at the beginning of each semester and are deposited directly in your student account 10 days prior to the start of the semester.
Master Promissory Note:
If you are offered a Direct Loan as a part of your aid package and you accept it and you are a first-time borrower at Johns Hopkins, you will receive instructions to sign a loan agreement, or Master Promissory Note (MPN). You can sign the MPN online on the Federal Student Aid website.
The MPN is valid for 10 years of consecutive borrowing at Johns Hopkins SAIS. If you signed a Direct Loan agreement in a previous year, you are not required to sign a new note.
For more information on Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans, visit studentaid.ed.gov.
Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loans
Federal Direct Graduate PLUS loans are loans made to graduate or professional students to help pay for education expenses not covered by other financial aid. Eligibility is not based on financial need, but a credit check is required. Borrowers who have an adverse credit history must meet additional requirements to qualify.
Credit Review:
- A credit review is required; however, there is no "debt to income" review.
- A co-borrower/endorser option is offered if the borrower's credit is denied.
- Credit checks are valid for 90 days. For this reason, we advise that borrowers wait until summer before applying for loans for the upcoming year. Loan processing begins in late June.
Borrowing Eligibility:
- Borrowers apply for the Graduate PLUS for each academic year that they wish to borrow. Multi-year loans may be consolidated.
- The loan amount may not exceed the cost of attendance for the academic year less any financial aid the student is eligible to receive.
- Students must be considered for their full eligibility under the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan (see above) before a Graduate PLUS loan will be certified.
- Borrowers are encouraged to apply for the amount needed for the academic year (not semester by semester).
Loan Terms and Disbursement:
- An origination fee is deducted from each disbursement of the loan.
- The interest rate is a fixed percent for the life of the loan.
- Disbursements are scheduled at the beginning of each semester and are deposited directly in the student's account.
- In-school deferment is available for Graduate PLUS borrowers. Interest will accrue while the loan is in deferment.
- If in school-deferment is not requested, repayment begins 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed. Fully disbursed means that all installments (fall and spring) have been paid. Interest begins accruing after the first disbursement.
- There is no pre-payment penalty.
- Consolidation options and extended or graduated repayment plans are available.
To apply for a Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan:
- Graduate PLUS borrowers must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and must be considered for unsubsidized Federal Direct Student Loans before a Graduate PLUS loan will be certified.
- Complete the Graduate PLUS available here.
- New PLUS borrowers will need to sign a Master Promissory Note here.
- The borrower will be contacted by JHU and the Direct Loan Servicing Center once the loan has been processed.
For more information on Federal Direct Grad PLUS Loans, visit studentaid.ed.gov.
Federal Loan Counseling
Loan counseling provides students with an understanding of their rights and responsibilities as a borrower in the Direct Loan Program. Federal regulations require student borrowers to complete loan counseling twice:
- In an entrance interview, prior to receiving funds in your first semester;
- And in an exit interview, when you either graduate or drop below half-time enrollment.
Additional Information on Federal Direct Loans
Check the Status of a Federal Loan Deferments & Forbearances Federal Direct Loan ConsolidationFederal Work Study
Federal Work Study (FWS) aid is need-based aid used to pay a portion of your salary if you are employed on campus. Your eligibility is determined by your completed Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FWS awards are valid for one academic year. You must reapply each year. A typical work-study award is for $2,000, but can be decreased or increased due to financial need.