Middle East and Egypt

The SAIS Israel Alumni Club is sparking considerable interest, attracting alumni attention from far and wide and getting together as often as possible.
Past Events
Jerusalem: Discussion With Professor Mara Karlin
Wednesday, February 20 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Alumni gathered with Mara Karlin, Director, Strategic Studies, and Associate Professor of the Practice of Strategic Studies, who led a discussion on “The US military and the Middle East: Shifting Priorities,” at MassChallenge Israel @Beit Alliance (across from Kiach 5). Yonit Golub JHU ’04, B’04, ’05 was there to greet guests.
Tel Aviv: Cocktails and Conversation
Thursday, May 17 from 8 to 10 p.m.
Alumni gathered with fellow alumnus Sam Amiel ’07 and his wife, Anna, for the first Johns Hopkins SAIS Israel Alumni Event of the year. Alumni enjoyed cocktails and conversation, mixed and mingled, and heard a short presentation by Jean Marc Lilling, Director of the Center for International Migration and Integration (CIMI). Jennifer Atala ’07 was also there to greet guests.
If you are interested in connecting with this newly formed alumni group, please email saisalum@jhu.edu.
- Lina Sawaqed, DIA'24
Past Events
Amman: Alumni and Student Dinner
Thursday. January 16, 2025
Alumni in Jordan gathered to welcome Professor Schneebaum and a group of SAIS students who were traveling to Jordan as part of their International Human Rights Law Clinic.
SAIS alumni in this city are sparking considerable interest, attracting alumni attention from far and wide.
This group enjoys getting together spontaneously and for planned events. They are always seeking to meet new SAISers living in or visiting the area.
This group came together through the efforts of SAIS graduates living and working in Dubai. Initially the number of SAIS alumni in Dubai was small, but as with most things in Dubai, it quickly grew. With new alumni arriving almost monthly, the club now has about 50 members and alumni organize events quarterly!
Upcoming Events
Dubai: Social Gathering
Thursday, April 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Get together with fellow alumni for a social gathering at a private residence in Jumeirah. We also continue in our global celebration of Johns Hopkins SAIS and its 75th Anniversary this year. RSVP to Vahid Fotuhi ’02 at vahid.fotuhi@gmail.comwho will be there to greet you and provide you with the event’s address.
Past Events
Dubai: 75th Anniversary Celebration of Johns Hopkins SAIS with Dean Vali Nasr
Thursday, November 15 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Alumni gathered to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Johns Hopkins SAIS with Dean Vali Nasr who gave opening remarks about the school. We thank Collin Keeney B'03, '04 and Yoko Shimada JHU '03 for hosting this wonderful event and Vahid Fotuhi '02, 75th Anniversary Alumni Advisor and Dubai Point of Contact/Leader, for organizing it. A good time was had by all!