In The News - Newsletter
The Death of a General Raises a Question: Why Were So Many Russian Officers Killed in Ukraine? Distinguished Practitioner-in-Residence John McLaughlin quoted in USA Today, 6/14
No Comment. The Biden Administration Undermines Its Cause With Strategically Witless Statements. Robert E. Osgood Professor Eliot Cohen wrote for The Atlantic, 6/1
Factbox: In Middle East, Once Improbable Ententes Set New Tone. Majid Khadduri Professor of International Affairs and Middle East Studies Vali Nasr quoted in Reuters, 5/18
Biden’s Economic Diplomacy Push with China is High Risk, Low Reward. The Washington Post, 4/26
Win or Lose, Ukraine’s Big Offensive May Put Biden in a Bind. Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor Hal Brands wrote in Bloomberg, 4/19
Kosovo War Trial: More Resentment Between Kosovo and Serbia? Senior Fellow and Professional Lecturer in the Conflict Management Program Daniel Serwer quoted in DW News, 4/5
What Has Ukraine Done to European Security? Professorial Lecturer and Foreign Policy Institute Senior Fellow Jeffrey Pryce interviewed on Pyotr Kurzin Geopolitics podcast, 3/8
Turkey/Syria Earthquake Relief. Assistant Professor of European and Eurasian Studies Lisel Hintz interviewed on POMEPS Middle East Political Science podcast, 2/23
Spy Balloon Offers Worrying Trial Run for a Bigger US-China Crisis. Henry M. and Elizabeth P. Wiesenfeld Professor of Political Economy Ho-Fung Hung quoted in The Hill, 2/8
Kishida Makes Overture to U.S about Return to TPP. Asia News Network, 1/16