Event Recap Listings

2020 SAIS Europe Commencement

Celebrating the Class of 2020
Speakers: Fiona Hill, Eliot A. Cohen

FPI Coffee Hour | Women's Leadership in a Global Crisis
Speakers: Cinnamon Dornsife, Shamila Chaudhary

A Green Recovery: Which World Do We Want After Covid-19?
Speakers: Frans Timmermans, Michael G. Plummer

Short- and Long-term Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic for Southeast Asia
Speakers: Michael G. Plummer, Filippo Taddei

COVID-19 and Its Implications for a Frail Democracy. The Example of Myanmar
Speakers: Michael G. Plummer, Michael Marett-Crosby

FPI Coffee Hour | Diverging Prospects, Differing Responses: Economic Prospects and Global Policy Collaboration in a Time of Crisis
Speakers: John Lipsky, Gregory Chin

Commercial Fleet Electrification and Financing Structures
Speakers: Robert Gurman

Diplomacy in the Age of Coronavirus
Speakers: Eliot A. Cohen, Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh

Crises in US-China Relations: Lessons Learned from 40 Years of US-China Diplomacy
Speakers: James Green