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In The News

Journal of Democracy, October 15, 2024

Forbes, October 15, 2024

National Public Radio, September 26, 2024

Mara Karlin recently returned to Johns Hopkins SAIS as Professor of Practice, interim Director of the Foreign Policy Institute, and Faculty Co-Lead for Security, Strategy, and Statecraft. An alumna with an M.A. and a PhD in Strategic Studies from SAIS, Karlin held several positions at SAIS from 2007 to 2021: adjunct professor, associate professor, and director of Strategic Studies.

Politico, June 6, 2024

In the Small Wars Journal, Professor Albert J. Marckwardt writes about the authorization for the use of force against Mexican cartels was introduced in Congress. 04/29/24

NPR, April 28, 2024

The breadth and depth of the Economic Report of the President…reflects the deep bench of expertise at the Council of Economic Advisers, and the federal government more broadly.

Good Authority (blog), December 14, 2023. With Marc Lynch.

Foreign Affairs, November 14, 2023.

Arts & Sciences Magazine, November, 2023.

Eliot A. Cohen wrote in The Atlantic, 06/01

Eliot A. Cohen wrote in The Atlantic, 05/19

Eliot A. Cohen wrote in The Atlantic, 02/28

Professor Raul Roman wrote about his investigation into Indigenous land disputes in Costa Rica.

Eliot A. Cohen wrote in The Atlantic, 10/22

Eliot A. Cohen wrote in The Atlantic, 10/09

Eliot A. Cohen wrote in The Atlantic, 10/04

Assistant Professor of Middle East Studies Narges Bajoghli wrote in Vanity Fair, 9/29

In the Washington Post, Professor Gilbert writes about the results of the Italian general elections that occurred this past weekend. He explains that Giorgia Meloni's win has brought fear to the public because, although she claims to no longer be a fascist, her political party descends from neo-fascist ideals.