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Master of Arts in International Relations (MAIR)


As the world continues to change quickly, it is essential for leaders to understand how economics, geopolitics, security, and the environment are inextricably linked—exactly what you will learn as a student at Johns Hopkins SAIS.

Become an Expert

We have reimagined the study of international relations and designed a bold new curriculum that allows you greater flexibility to focus on the issues that matter most to you. The Master or Arts in International Relations degree program will prepare you with the knowledge, skills, and experiences to tackle the complex global challenges of todayand tomorrow.

Core Curriculum

Build your expertise through a flexible and diverse curriculum, which includes core areas of study examining leadership, decision-making, data analytics, economics, geopolitics, and research methods. You will enroll in six courses (24 credits) within the following core areas:

  • Leadership, Ethics, and Decision-Making
  • World Order and Disorder
  • International Economics (2 courses)
  • Data Analytics
  • Research Methods

Focus Area

Self-design the curriculum based on your interests with the 10 remaining courses (40 credits). This allows you to gain further professional and substantive insights by developing an extensive global mindset through functional and regional focus areas. At a minimum, 12 credits must be taken within one functional area and 12 credits within one regional area.

Functional Regional


Capstone courses represent the culmination of your academic experience at SAIS, building on the skills, experiences, and knowledge you’ve acquired to complete a substantial project or research paper, often with an experiential learning component. You will have the opportunity to choose from among the following options:
  • Practicums
    • Courses in which students undertake a consulting project with an outside client organization. Students usually work in teams of four to deliver quality results to their client and may have the opportunity to travel. 
  • Study Trips
    • Courses in which students travel during winter or spring break to enhance their understanding of a functional area or region of the world. Students then produce research papers or other final deliverables informed by their travel experiences. 
  • Project Courses
    • Courses in which students plan and execute a competition, event, or staff ride for the larger SAIS community. Examples include the Seminar in Crisis Simulation and the International Staff Ride Leadership Seminar.  
  • Research Seminars
    • Courses in which students produce a substantial research paper of publishable quality. Papers are usually 20-35 pages in length.  
  • Non-credit Research Papers
    • Courses in which students expand a paper affiliated with a SAIS course to 20-25 pages or write a new academic work inspired by an internship experience.

Language Training

Open doors to new professional possibilities through the study of a language. Our robust language studies program, emphasizing current political and economic topics, trains you to achieve proficiency in a non-native language. Students must complete proficiency in a language outside of their native tongues.

Professional Skills Training

Learn through professional training that will prepare and guide you through your studies at SAIS and toward your future careers in the international affairs arena. Students complete a minimum of two non-credit, professional skills courses focusing on technical, leadership, problem-solving and professional content. Sample offerings include:
  • Public Speaking and Presentation
  • Policy Writing
  • Delivering Briefings
  • Teamwork
  • Negotiation
  • Project Management
  • Consulting
  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Data Analytics for Policy Analysts
  • Financial Analysis
  • Political Risk Analysis
  • Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • Intro to Python, R or STATA
  • Excel III and IV
  • Tableau


Most students at Johns Hopkins SAIS are enrolled full-time in the Master of Arts in International Relations. You can elect to spend either year at SAIS Europe or spend both years in Washington DC.

Pre –Term

Get a jump-start on your studies and meet fellow classmates and professors during Pre-Term.


Late July – August (DC)
Mid-August - September (SAIS Europe)

Fall Term

The curriculum’s interdisciplinary coursework emphasizes international economics, geopolitics, data analysis, quantitative methods, decision-making, and policy studies.

Sample Courses

  • Core: Leadership, Ethics, and Decision-Making
  • Core: Economics (1 of 2)
  • Focus Area: Functional (1 of 3)
  • Core: World Order and Disorder
  • Language Course



January Intersession

Gain hands-on experience and explore a current global issue by participating in a study trip, meet with alumni working in your target organization or industry during a career trek, or use this time to recharge and prepare for the spring semester. 

Spring Term

Beyond required courses, you will have room in your schedule for elective coursework. Most students complete the degree over two years and choose to pursue an internship between the first and second year.

Sample Courses

  • Core: Data Analytics
  • Focus Area: Functional (2 of 3)
  • Focus Area: Regional (1 of 3)
  • Elective
  • Language Course 



Advance Your Career

Approximately 75 percent of students augment their studies with an internship during the summer between their first and second years to gain practical, hands-on experience. Nearly half of the second-year class seeks exciting, part-time internships in the final year of their studies.



Fall Semester

Continue to further develop your expertise and focus on the issues that matter most to you.

Sample Courses

  • Core: Research Methods
  • Core: Economics (2 of 2)
  • Focus Area: Regional (2 of 3)
  • Elective
  • Language Course



January Intersession

The January Intercession is a valuable time to conduct field research, engage with partner organizations, and gain in-depth experience for students interested in participating in a practicum project.

Spring Term

Spend your final semester furthering your expertise and addressing a real-world problem as part of the required capstone project.

Sample Courses

  • Focus Area: Functional (3 of 3)
  • Focus Area: Regional (3 of 3)
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Capstone
  • Language Course 



Professional Skills Courses

Throughout your studies you will be encouraged to enroll in short professional development courses to support your career goals. These courses will be valuable as you complete your capstone project.

Sample Courses

-Advanced Excel -Monitoring and Evaluation for International Development
-Communications -Negotiation
-Geographic Information System (GIS) -Policy Writing
-How to Deliver a Briefing -Project Management
-Intro to Financial Analysis -Public Speaking and Presentation
-Intro to Python -Tableau
-Intro to R -Teamwork
-Intro to STATA  

Learn From the Best

Study with world-class experts who are renowned for their scholarship, influence, and networks.

Nina Hall

Assistant Professor of International Relations

Devesh Kapur

Starr Foundation Professor of South Asian Studies

Chiedo Nwankwor

Vice Dean for Education and Academic Affairs, Senior Lecturer and Director of SAIS Women Lead

In the News

Don’t Hype the Disinformation Threat

Foreign Affairs, May, 5, 2024


In the Small Wars Journal, Professor Albert J. Marckwardt writes about the authorization for the use of force against Mexican cartels was introduced in Congress. 04/29/24

Q&A with SAIS’ Jonas Nahm, Co-Author of 2024 U.S. Presidential Economic Report

The breadth and depth of the Economic Report of the President…reflects the deep bench of expertise at the Council of Economic Advisers, and the federal government more broadly.

A Closer Look at the Gaza Casualty Data

Good Authority (blog), December 14, 2023. With Marc Lynch.

The Ghosts of Lebanon

Foreign Affairs, November 14, 2023.

The Political Dynamics of Disasters

Arts & Sciences Magazine, November, 2023.

No Comment

Eliot A. Cohen wrote in The Atlantic, 06/01

It’s Not Enough for Ukraine to Win. Russia Has to Lose

Eliot A. Cohen wrote in The Atlantic, 05/19

The Shortest Path to Peace

Eliot A. Cohen wrote in The Atlantic, 02/28

Advance Your Career

From consultants to entrepreneurs, leaders of nongovernmental organizations to policymakers, Johns Hopkins SAIS graduates put their degrees to work.

96% of the two-year Master of Arts in International Relations Class of 2023 were employed, pursuing fellowships or internships, or had gone on for further study within six months of graduation.

Recent Employers

  • Atlantic Council
  • Center for Strategic and International Studies
  • Deloitte
  • European Commission
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • Lockheed Martin
  • U.S. Department of Defense
  • U.S. Department of State
  • United Nations
  • World Bank Group
* Based on results of a survey of students who graduated in August and December 2022 and May 2023. MAIR survey participation rate was 85%.

Build Your Network

Join an influential alumni network of more than 20,000 professionals working across sectors in 140 countries around the world.

Johns Hopkins SAIS students

The SAIS Global Women in Leadership (GWL) student-run career club tackles challenges facing women worldwide by hosting a skills workshops, networking events, and an annual conference, all of which bring together students, alumni, international relations practitioners, policy makers, and business leaders.

Johns Hopkins SAIS students with Bill Gates

Students gain valuable insights from global leaders and international relations experts through the many events hosted at the school that provide a wide spectrum of viewpoints on the issues that shape our world.

Ronnie Alinda Kyamureku

Grateful for the Steadfast Support of Faculty and Staff

Before joining SAIS, I was working with the Central Bank of Uganda (BOU). I had just been transferred to the Statistics Department after 13 years in the Financial Stability Department.

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Esther Akosua Manu Profile Image

Learning from the Greatest Minds

We are learning from some of the greatest minds in international relations, in the same room as some of the world’s most influential leaders.

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Beyond the Classroom

Gain real-world, cutting-edge expertise needed to address today’s most pressing global challenges.

World-Class Events

The school regularly hosts expert policymakers, CEOs, heads of state, and scholars to campus. Students are encouraged to explore topics of interest by attending lectures, presentations, and special programming.

Study Treks

More than two dozen study treks are offered throughout the academic year, providing students valuable opportunities to conduct field research, engage with partner organizations, and gain new perspectives on major global issues.

Career Treks

Through company visits and alumni networking receptions students gain an insider’s perspective on working in different sectors. The school hosts career treks around the world to help students learn about career paths in asset management, consulting, energy and environment, finance, international development, nonprofits, multilateral organizations, political risk, think tanks, and more.

Staff Rides

During a staff ride, students gain lessons in strategy, leadership, and decision making by visiting a historic battle site and reenacting key moments. Each year, at least one staff ride occurs outside of the US and recent staff rides have been conducted in South Korea, Scotland, Italy, and Poland.

Student Government Association

Serve as the liaison between the student body and administration, offering ideas for programming and selecting guest speakers for the faculty research seminar series.


Practicum projects provide students with extensive, in-depth experience consulting for client organizations working to address real-world challenges.