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In The News

Daniel Markey quoted in The Hindu, 9/22

Devesh Kapur quoted in Reuters, 9/22

Christopher Sands interviewed in Latin America Advisor, 9/20

Christopher Sands quoted in National Post, 9/20

Christopher Sands quoted in Global News, 9/20

Christopher Sands quoted in Bloomberg, 9/20

Vali Nasr quoted in Foreign Policy, 9/20

John McLaughlin interviewed on MSNBC, 9/20

Anne O. Krueger wrote in Project Syndicate, 9/20

Pravin Krishna wrote in Livemint, 9/20

Monica de Bolle wrote for Peterson Institute for International Economics, 9/20

Nora Bensahel quoted in Marine Corps Times, 9/20

David Barno interviewed on NPR Morning Edition, 9/20

Johannes Urpelainen interviewed on Public Health United podcast, 9/19

Christopher Sands quoted in Bloomberg, 9/19

Hal Brands wrote in Bloomberg Opinion, 9/19

Sanam Vakil quoted in The New York Times, 9/17

Johannes Urpelainen cited in The Telegraph, 9/17

Christopher Sands quoted on CBC, 9/17

Michael Mandelbaum wrote in Survival, 9/17