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In The News

Sanam Vakil wrote in Chatham House, 7/22

Vali Nasr interviewed on Channel 4, 7/22

Narges Bajoghli interviewed on Democracy Now, 7/22

Benjamin N. Gedan quoted on Voice of America, 7/22

Sanam Vakil quoted on CNN, 7/21

John McLaughlin wrote in OZY, 7/21

Ho-Fung Hung quoted in The Wall Street Journal, 7/21

Sanam Vakil interviewed on CNN International, 7/20

Lisel Hintz quoted on France 24, 7/20

Benjamin N. Gedan quoted in Financial Times, 7/19

Joshua White quoted in Bloomberg, 7/17

Jessica Fanzo wrote in Bloomberg Opinion, 7/17

David Barno and Nora Bensahel interviewed on Government Matters, 7/17

Vali Nasr quoted in National Catholic Reporter, 7/16

Thomas G. Mahnken wrote in War on the Rocks, 7/16

Benjamin N. Gedan interviewed Monica de Bolle on the Argentina Project Podcast, 7/16

Hal Brands wrote in Bloomberg Opinion, 7/16

Monica de Bolle interviewed on PBS NewsHour, 7/16

Jessica Fanzo wrote in BMC Public Health, 7/15

Jessica Fanzo wrote in Global Food Security, 7/15