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Student Stories

Gaining Well-Rounded Expertise Through a Dual Degree

"I have been very impressed with the diversity of the student community, the employers that recruit from campus, and the on-campus events."

Developing Expertise on Sino-Latin American Relations

"While studying at the HNC, the bilingual and multicultural environment gave me the opportunity to engage in meaningful class discussions, listen to different perspectives from classmates and study complex problems in Mandarin with both Chinese and other international students."

A Cultural Immersion Outside the Classroom

"Living in a bilingual environment was extremely helpful in acquiring Chinese language abilities and supporting my Chinese friends with their English."

Gain Expertise on the Energy Sector in the US and China

"Through the Energy, Resources and Environment concentration, I have learned more about technology focused policy and I have gained traction in the energy sector."

Building a Career Around Impact Investment

"The cohort-based program has given me the chance to become better acquainted with my professors and colleagues and learn from the unique perspectives they have to offer."

From the Marine Corps to World-Class Graduate Studies

"I appreciate the diversity of thought provided by the student population, which has increased my understanding of topics in all of my classes."

Gaining Expertise to Address Economic Policy in the MENA Region

"I chose Johns Hopkins SAIS based on its reputation as one of the top schools in the world with a great diversity of students and professors."

Gaining a Valuable Skill Set in International Economics

"I found the MIEF program to be a perfect choice, especially for allowing me to take such an advanced level of quantitative training in a short time frame."

A Flexible Degree Program with Invaluable Benefits

"Being able to choose my classes has helped me gain a deeper and more coherent understanding of the issues I am most passionate about."

Gaining an Insiders Perspective on US Foreign Policy

"Having former US government officials teaching and speaking openly was very fascinating and informative for me during my semester at Johns Hopkins SAIS."