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Student Stories

Gaining Insights on Africa’s Economic Growth

"The African Studies Program has provided me with an impressive platform for research on the economic relationships among African countries."

Maximizing the SAIS Europe Experience

"With a strong background in Italian, I was eager to employ my speaking skills in everyday life to better understand European politics from a closer point of view. "

Gaining a Competitive Edge in the Field of Korean Affairs

"I attended two study treks, one to Japan and one to South Korea which provided me with a a richer understanding of the country and issue at hand through professional, diplomatic, and cultural experiences."

Forming Lifelong Friendships While Earning a Graduate Degree

"After researching graduate programs, I discovered that the Hopkins-Nanjing Center certificate program was perfect for me because it catered to my academic interests and adventurous personality."

A Future Career in Emerging Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa

"I was really impressed with the diverse qualifications within the workplace that many of the professors had outside the classroom. Having that applicable perspective within the classroom was very important to me."

Acquiring the Knowledge to Build a Peaceful and Sustainable Future in the Heart of Washington, DC

"The opportunity to study alongside leading practitioners in the heart of international affairs in Washington, DC, has exceeded my expectations of what I would gain from a master’s degree."

A Strong Sense of Community and Enriching Opportunities in the Latin American Studies Program

"Access to individualized career coaching and internship placement as well as a tight-knit community within my program makes me feel incredibly in place."

Maximizing the Johns Hopkins SAIS Experience

"I have been able to build a holistic and rich life at the school by participating in experiences that speak to my personal passions and aspirations."

A Myriad of Opportunities in Washington DC

"I have had the chance to take part in activities unavailable outside of Washington, DC, such as study treks to the U.S. Department of State and Capitol Hill."

Gaining a Competitive Edge in International Economics and Development

"At Johns Hopkins SAIS, I have met a great deal of people who have contributed to my knowledge and influenced my view of current issues."