Student Stories
Acquiring Insights into Economic Growth and Development in International Relations
"I saw the Hopkins-Nanjing Center as the first time to truly broaden my understanding of China and to research the social, economic and political issues that pertained to the country I had developed such a strong interest in."
A Unique Opportunity to Gain New Perspectives
"I have had the opportunity to examine issues not offered at my home university in Berlin and engage in class discussions with many bright and ambitious students."
The Many Benefits of a SAIS Europe Education
"I chose SAIS Europe for its interdisciplinary approach in order to put my experiences into practice."
An Entrepreneur Looking to Make a Difference in Africa
"I was very excited to see that the school offers support to students who have an interest in entrepreneurship."
Gaining a World-Class Education
"I had the opportunity to travel to Brussels on a career trek where I met European diplomats, including the school's alumni, to gain firsthand knowledge on topics related to my thesis."
A Focus on China and Latin America
"One aspect that makes the HNC even more special is the entire community, a rewarding environment where students have the opportunity to deeply connect with Chinese roommates and students."
An Enriching Education at SAIS Europe
"The exposure to and interaction with top academics and policymakers during biweekly guest seminars has been a meaningful highlight."
Gaining a Foundation in Public Policy to Make a Difference in the World
"Prior to Johns Hopkins SAIS, I worked with several social enterprise startups in East Africa. Through that experience, it became clear that so many of the challenges I encountered had a basis in public policy choices that I had limited influence over. The MIPP degree program was an excellent next choice."
A Flexible Program for a Full-Time Professional
"I currently work as an International Program Specialist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service, where I manage international school meal projects in Ethiopia, Guatemala, and Nepal."
Transitioning to a Career Focused on Risk Analysis
"The program's intense format has allowed me to compress my coursework into 15 months instead of two years to minimize my time out of the workforce—a key consideration for me and my family."